Institutional framework

The Hwange LTSER, which is anchored in Hwange National Park and its periphery in Zimbabwe, emerged from a strong partnership with the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZPWMA) and with the natural resource management institutions (Forestry Commission, Veterinary Services, Rural District Council).

The Hwange LTSER welcomes researchers from 13 French laboratories and 3 Zimbabwean universities (University of Zimbabwe (UZ) in Harare, National University for Sciences and Technology (NUST) in Bulawayo, Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT) in Chinhoyi, and Lupane State University (LSU) in Lupane):

The Hwange LTSER is currently managed by the CEFE (Centre for Evolutionary and Functional Ecology – UMR CNRS 5175).


It is part of a strong collaborative network based on the Franco-Zimbabwean “Production and Conservation in Partnership” research platform (RP-PCP), created in 2007 and coordinated by the CIRAD.

The Hwange LTSER is one of the study site of the IRL REHABs (International Research Laboratory ‘Reconciling Ecological and Human Adaptations for a Biosphere-based Sustainability’).


The Hwange LTSER also collaborates with researchers from several other laboratories. The main ones historically and in terms of co-supervision are: