
PhD students

In progress

Aïssa Morin

Title of the thesis: “Responses of large mammal communities to anthropogenic activities: impacts of climage change, management practices and disturbance on interspecific interactions”

Supervisors: Marion Valeix, Andrew Loveridge / Thesis of the University of Lyon 1 / Funding: E2M2 Doctoral School (Lyon), CNRS

Lovelater Sebele

Title of the thesis: “Ecology of owls and their use in rodent control: A case study of Magoli and Jwapi in Hwange District”

Supervisor: Hervé Fritz / Thesis of the University of Zimbabwe / Funding: DREAM / Thesis carried out in the framework of the rp-pcp

Romain Dejeante

Title of the thesis: “Role of sociality in the spatial ecology of large mammals”

Supervisor: Simon Chamaillé-Jammes, Marion Valeix/ Thesis of the University of Montpellier / Funding: ENS

Elisa Sandoval-Seres

Title of the thesis: “Role of predator-predator interactions in the ecology and conservation of the African wild dog”

Supervisor: Andrew Loveridge, Esther van der Meer, Marion Valeix, Egil Dröge / Thesis of the University of Oxford / Funding: Government of Mexico


Elise Say-Sallaz

Title of the thesis: “Ecology of predator-prey relationships and predator-predator interactions in a multi-predator systems”

Supervisors: Marion Valeix, Hervé Fritz / Thesis of the University of Lyon 1 / Funding: E2M2 Doctoral School (Lyon), CNRS

Zénaïde Dervieux

Title of the thesis: “Territorial restructurings in conservation context: local knowledge and participation in the CAMPFIRE management model in Zimbabwe

Supervisors: Marianne Cohen, Christine Raimond / Thesis of the University of Paris-Sorbonne / Funding: University of Paris-Sorbonne, ANR PIAF / Thesis carried in the framework of the rp-pcp (read more…)


Camille Vitet

Title of the thesis: “Influence of group size on the socio-demography of Plains zebras living under predation risk”

Supervisors: Simon Chamaillé-Jammes / Thesis of the University of Montpellier / Funding: SIBAGHE doctoral school (Montpellier)

Elodie Wielgus

Title of the thesis: “Social dynamics in the African buffalo and eco-epidemiological implications”

Supervisors: Bradley Cain, Daniel Cornélis, Alexandre Caron, Simon Chamaillé-Jammes / Thesis of the University of Manchester / Funding: Manchester University, CIRAD, IGF


Tawanda Tarakini

Title of thesis: “Responses of water bird communities to changing wetland characteristics and management in Hwange National Park and its periphery”

Supervisors: Hervé Fritz, Peter Mundy / Thesis of the University of Bulawayo / Funding: Rencare / Thesis carried in the framework of the rp-pcp (read more …)


Rémi Patin

Title of the thesis: “How do the daily variations in the risk of predation influence the spatial response of prey?”

Supervisors: Simon Chamaillé-Jammes, Daniel Fortin / Thesis of the University of Montpellier / Funding: ENS Paris

Nicolas Ferry

Title of the thesis: “Processes involved in the functioning of large mammal communities: the role of elephants in the ecology of predator-prey relationships”

Supervisors: Marion Valeix, Hervé Fritz, Stéphane Dray / Thesis of the University of Lyon 1 / Funding: E2M2 Doctoral School (Lyon), CNRS

Moreangels Mbizah

Title of the thesis: “Role of the composition and spatial distribution of the prey community on the foraging and social ecology of the African lion”

Supervisors: David Macdonald, Andrew Loveridge, Marion Valeix / Oxford University DPhil / Funding: WildCRU


Hugo Valls-Fox

Title of the thesis: “To drink or not to drink? The influence of resource availability on the supply and selection of elephant habitat in a semi-arid savanna”

Supervisors: Simon Chamaillé-Jammes, Hervé Fritz and Michel De Garine-Wichatitsky / Thesis of the University of Montpellier / Funding: ENS Paris, ANR SAVARID / Thesis carried out in the framework of the rp-pcp (read more …)

Arthur Perrotton

Title of the thesis: “Cattle herding and coexistence between protected areas and their peripheries: a participatory approach”

Supervisors: Doyle McKey, Hervé Fritz, Christophe Le Page, Michel De Garine-Wichatitsky / Thesis of the University of Montpellier and the University of Zimbabwe / Funding: ANR SAVARID, RP-PCP / Thesis carried out in the framework of the rp-pcp (read more …)


Stéphanie Périquet

Title of the thesis: “Sharing the top: how do spotted hyaenas cope with lions?”

Supervisors: Hervé Fritz, Eloy Revilla, Marion Valeix / Thesis of the Université Claude Bernard-Lyon 1 / Funding: ENS, ANR FEAR / Thesis carried out in the framework of the rp-pcp (read more …)

François-René Favreau

Title of the thesis: “How do mammlian herbivores adjust their trade-off between food and safety?”

Supervisors: Hervé Fritz, Anne Goldizen, Olivier Pays / Thesis of the Université Claude Bernard-Lyon 1 and the University of Queensland (Australia)

Henri de Parseval

Title of the thesis: “Strategies for root exploration and nutrient cycles: study of the functional role of horizontal soil exploration by plants”

Supervisors : Jacques Gignoux, Sébastien Barot, Xavier Raynaud, Jean-Christophe Lata / Thesis of the University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) / Funding: ENS, ANR BIOFUN, ANR SAVARID, ANR (07-CIS) 3 Worlds


Benjamin Wigley

Thesis title: “Savanna woody plant community and trait responses to bottom-up and top-down controls, with a specific focus on the role of mammalian herbivory”

Supervisors: Hervé Fritz, William Bond / Thesis of the University Claude Bernard-Lyon 1

Elodie Buard

Title of the thesis: “Dynamics of species-space interactions: linking animal movements and land-use change in Hwange national park (Zimbabwe)”

Supervisors: Lena Sanders, Anne Ruas / Thesis of the University of Paris 1 / Funding: IGN


Eve Miguel

Title of the thesis: “Contacts in the wild and pathogens spillover”

Supervisors: Thierry Boulinier, Michel De Garine-Wichatitsky, Hervé Fritz / Thesis of the University of Montpellier / Funding: CIRAD, ANR FEAR / Thesis carried out in the framework of the rp-pcp (read more …)

Florian Barnier

Title of thesis: “Impacts of predation on a large herbivore at the individual and population levels”

Supervisors: Patrick Duncan, Hervé Fritz / Thesis of the University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) / Funding: ANR FEAR

Chloé Guerbois

Title of thesis: “Integrated and sustainable management of African wildlife through protected areas. Developing modelling tools for exploring scenarii and decision making.

Supervisors: Hervé Fritz, Luc Doyen / Thesis of the National Museum of Natural History / Thesis carried out in the framework of the rp-pcp (read more…)

William Crosmary

Title of the thesis: “Trophy hunting: behavioral, demographic and evolutionary consequences in ungulate populations: the example of ungulates in African savannas”

Supervisors: Hervé Fritz, Steeve Côté / Thesis of the University Claude Bernard (Lyon 1) and the University of Laval (Québec, Canada) / Funding: ANR, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Discovery grant of the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 / Thesis carried out in the framework of the rp-pcp (read more …)


Esther van der Meer

Title of thesis: “Is the grass greener on the other side? Testing the ecological trap hypothesis for African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) in and around Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe”

Supervisor: Hervé Fritz / Thesis of the University Claude Bernard (Lyon 1) / Funding: self-funded / Thesis carried out in the framework of the rp-pcp (read more …)


Nolwenn Drouet-Hoguet

Title of thesis: “Influence of human activities on the diet and the numerical response of the spotted hyaena in a dystrophic savanna dominated by elephants”

Supervisors: Hervé Fritz, Dominique Pontier / Thesis of the University Claude Bernard (Lyon 1) / Funding: CIRAD, IGF


Sophie Grange

Title of thesis: “The great dilemma of wild equids: living with grazing bovids and avoiding large predators?”

Supervisor: Patrick Duncan / Thesis of the University of Poitiers / Finance: CNRS

Simon Chamaillé-Jammes

Title: “Under the African sky: from climatic fluctuations to population regulation, the role of surface water in the spatio-temporal dynamics of an elephant population”

Supervisors: Hervé Fritz, Jean Clobert / Thesis of the University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) / Funding: Doctoral School Diversité du Vivant (Paris 6)

Marion Valeix

Title of the thesis: “Insights into processes structuring large herbivore communities: the role of elephants in the functioning of an African savanna”

Supervisor: Hervé Fritz / Thesis of the University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris 6) / Funding: Doctoral School Diversité du Vivant (Paris 6), CIRAD


Mathieu Bourgarel

Title of the thesis: “Aspects of population dynamics of impala in a protected area in Zimbabwe”

Supervisors: Jean-Michel Gaillard, Hervé Fritz, Philippe Chardonnet / Thesis of the University Claude Bernard (Lyon 1) / Funding: CIRAD